Uruguay Road Rules
“No Holding Handles”
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The Mystery of The Pirate Tower Victoria Beach a white sandy beach located in Laguna Beach, CA. On he north side of this secluded beach stands a tower. The old structure as it turns out was built as a spiral staircase access to the beach from the residence above in 1926. The castle […]
5 Quick Daily Cleaning Tips You know those women who always appear to have it all together? Their house is always in order. Their kids always have clean faces and combed hair. Her husband always comes home to a set dinner table with a 3 course dinner cooked with organic vegetables from the backyard? You […]
5 Of My Favorite Quotes 1- The story of every successful person is a story of second chances (not to mention third, fourth, fifth and sixth chances!) Nobody gets everything right first time, and it is how we learn from our mistakes that defines us. -Sir Richard Branson 2- “You build on failure. You use […]
Definitely one of the top ten places in SoCal to watch the sunset . Bayside Drive County Beach -in Corona del Mar, at Oceann Boulevard and Fernleaf Avenue. Free street parking. Hours: 6 am to 10 pm. Facilities: Rest rooms.