Our Cuban Cigar Crisis

Our Cuban Cigar Crisis

This is our story…

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The Havana Club

‘The Cuban Cigar Crisis’ aka 4 Guys and 2 Girls on a mission to buy the most cigars for the best deal on Cuban Cigars.

Our Cuban Cigar Crisis

The Cuban Cigar Scare was a 3 hour confrontation between the Havana Club and the 4 Guys and 2 Girls.

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The 4 Guys and 2 Girls secretly scoped out the inventory in preparation to negotiate.

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Negotiations started out a bit slow, but escalated rather quickly. The boy in the bottom right of this photo was just like “Whatcha talkin bout Willis??”

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The first hour in they may have had a few dozen cigars, although some intelligence sources estimated as high as 4 dozen.

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Things were starting to heat up and tension was running high.

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The Havana Club People kept increasing the perception of a ‘cigar gap’ when one of them loudly boasted to the room that “The Cubans were rolling cigars ‘Like Sausages’.”

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The 4 Guys and 2 Girls secretly met for a strategy.

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After much deliberation they decided to stand ground.

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After even more tense negotiations (as you can see from the facial expressions) over the next 2 hours.

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An agreement was close to being reached between The 4 Guys and 2 Girls.

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It was at that moment 1 of The Guys realized that ‘The Cigar Guy’ was not even El Hefe.

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To make matters worse, The Humidors were not being properly involved in the smoking negotiations treaty.

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The plot thickened, you could cut the tension with a knife.

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OH WAIT…. Nope! It was just the smoke barreling out from the Salon De Fumador.

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The transaction was so close they could taste the premium Cuban tobacco on their lips.

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Negotiating the final hour.

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An agreement was underway.

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Havana Club Cigar Guy made what they hoped would be the final call to El Hefe.

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Silence and anticipation spread through the room. You could hear a travelers peso drop.

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There was some dispute over the final price of the humidors but the 4 Guys and especially the 2 Girls were just relieved (AND HUNGRY) that it was over. 

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Everyone celebrated in victory.

“Whose Casa is it now??”

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“Whose Casa is it now??” 1 Guy replied. It was still El Hefe’s Havana Club but for a brief moment that day, 4 Guys and 2 Girls felt like it was theirs. 

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The 4 Guys lit Cuban cigars in the streets.

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The Cuban Women smoked cigars too

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Cuban women smoked cigars in the streets.

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The 4 Guys smoked the Cuban cigars in the salons.


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Still smoking in the Salon De Fumidor

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It was a celebration of the Cuban stogie.

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Happiness was inhaled by all (except for that 1 Girl). The 4 Guys and 2 Girls WAIT… 3 Guys and 2 Girls (1 Guy was always disappearing, secret negotiations we assume) anyways they went to eat next to a castle.

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Restaurante next to a castle.

Next to a castle with mediocre food.

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They did have a great kitty show however.

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We enjoyed and shared some laughs with the kitties, we appreciated the love they brought to us while waiting for our mediocre food.

We also weren’t sure how many pesos to give the kitties or if we should give them Cuban or Travelers Pesos? So we just tossed them a mediocre pork chunk, they seemed satisfied.

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The Guy with the ‘Chip’ on his shoulder (a plantain chip that is) made our late lunch even better.

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The Guy with the chip on his shoulder read us a great lunchtime story ‘Che Guevaras Farewell Letter To Fidel’

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The 3 Guys and 2 Girls had a heartfelt toast “Giária”

Our Cuban Cigar Crisis

We gathered our Cuban treasures, and took our CoCo Taxi home.

Our Cuban Cigar Crisis

 Home to our wonderful upside down anchor in the sky.

Our Cuban Cigar Crisis

Beautiful Havana

The End! 


Posted from Havana, Havana, Cuba.

This is missing your voice.

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